Sunday, November 06, 2005

Mr, Unpopular

Well, currently having a really damaging phase rite now,
I rather go out alone than going out in a crowd,
I hide in shadows, cloaked by a hood,
Keeping company in books than people in heart.

My mind veers as the situation turn muddle,
My soul backs as the corruption inhaled,
Mr Unpopular, is what i am,
Being alone is what i aim.

The words, the laughs, the sorrows, the tears,
I shut it all, all corners of tiers,
Mosaics of duets, waltz and piers,
Shatters the sunsets the sunrise the arcs i near.

Mr Unpopular, here I am, here i laugh,
Into the void, the doldrums, my heart still,
Hark the heralds, the angle sings,
Here come the jester of loneliness within.

I am reborn the calipsto of torn,
Hidden in asylum, dark unborn,
Haha.... sanity grow thin,
Am i now morbid seen.

ps... no... i am not crazy yet, its just a morbid way of addressing my situation